Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving + Maggie

     I am thankful for a lot of different people in my life and Maggie Browdy is one of them.
     I've known her for about five(ish) years now; we went to school together in fourth and fifth grade and then again in the WY academic center. I always remember Maggie being so nice and sweet and pleasant and everyone loved to be around her. She still is like that today. She is a good friend and she's a super good listener. I know because I happen to complain a lot but she always listens when most people (including me), would smack the person and walk away. Maggie is also really funny. We always laugh when we are together and she can make me laugh easily. I remember when we were in running club together during Spring (I think) of 8th grade, and we used to make songs together that were totally ridiculous but it was super fun.
     Another great thing about Maggie is how optimistic she is- she's always in a good mood, and she doesn't seem to dwell on the negatives as much as some people do. She can easily make me feel better when I'm upset, and she doesn't get mad easily. (But sometimes she gets uber frustrated because Claire and I are talking about irrelevant things when we are all trying to do groupwork. Its okay though I don't blame her we need better focusing skills.) She's also really smart. She comes up with logical answers to questions and is like s00 good at all the other classes we are in together (aka math and gym). Thats another thing. Maggie is way sportier than me and can actually catch and stuff but she still sits by me and hangs out with me in gym when I'm doing mega horribly in whatever activity Geiger happens to make us do. I'm really glad she's in my gym class and we have a lot of fun in that class together.
     Overall Maggie is just a great person and I am thankful to have someone like her in my life.

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