Thursday, September 12, 2013

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

Personally, I feel like John wasn't decidedly either, but if i had to choose a side he fell most on, it would be hero. He chose to not confess and be a true Puritan because confessing would be lying, even though it would end up saving him. He could have easily confessed and passed the blame on to someone else, and many people were pressuring him to do it. Instead, he chose the noble path and stayed true. There was no getting out by admitting not not having done the crime, so the only way to get out was, in his case, lying and passing on the blame. But this would have been untrue to not only himself, but all of the other people who were truthfully not admitting to having partaken in witchcraft. With all the pressure on him to confess and the idea that he could once again be with his wife, I feel like the pull to falsely confess would be really strong. And I am almost positive that had it been me in his place, i would have confessed to save my own life. Though I want to be a truthful person, with all the confessions and general falsehood occurring back then i would have been overwhelmed and lied to save myself. So, based on that I feel like John Proctor was more of a hero. The only thing making me doubt his complete heroic-ness was the fact that for a short period of time prior to his hanging, he was considering confessing. He almost did until they asked him who he saw with the Devil, and when they asked him to sign the confession papers, he refused because he didn't want to blacken his name with the lies that were his confession. He says, "Because it is my name! Because i cannot have another in my life! Because i lie and sign myself to lies... I have given you my soul; leave my name!" (I read this on the kindle so I'm not sure what page number it was - 95% on the kindle). Overall, though he almost gave himself up, I feel like he was definitely more of a hero in this situation.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Arrivals: There Goes the Neighborhood

In history, there are multiple records of people moving in on new land thats already been inhabited and shortly after, problems arise. This still occurs in modern America today- judging people before you meet then and assuming that what they bring will corrupt or otherwise bother what you already have. 
One of the earliest records of this is when Columbus and his men settled in America, which was already inhabited by the Indians (Native Americans). Now of course, the Indians were living on the land seemingly long before Columbus settled there, and they were not very happy about what happened when he did. His attitude towards the Indians gave off the impression that he believed they were savage and untameable, though he did try and make them more like him. He tried to convert them to Christianity and get them to adapt to his language and dress and ways of life, which would theoretically change a lot for an Indian. This shows that Columbus came to what he thought was a bad "neighborhood" and tried to change it and make it better based on what he thought. 
As I said before, this still happens in modern society. The idea of judgement before knowing someone and having doubts about what they can do isn't necessarily common but it does exist. For example, like the title says, a group of new people move into an already established neighborhood. In a perfect world they would be accepted and join in and everything would be great. In the real world they may be treated bad because they are new, or they may treat the others in the neighborhood bad and change it. The new arrivals come and, oh, look at that- everything is changing- there goes our old neighborhood. 
This concept of judgement hasn't fixed itself nearly enough over time, as it still exists now. If people gave others a chance before assuming the worst, then maybe the world would be just a little bit more of a better place. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013


I’m Auguste
I’m a freshman at Whitney Young, but i have been attending the school since 7th grade, as an ackie. I had been to three other elementary schools prior to transferring to Whitney, where i plan on staying throughout high school. I really like academics and consider myself decent in most subjects. Sports, on the other hand, I don’t have an affinity for. I can play tennis and run and ski, but thats about it. I like to read and draw and stalk the internet (obviously) in my free time, and i also write quite a lot. I have started four “books” since 5th grade, but i only successfully completed one of them. My favorite book is probably Fablehaven, and my favorite movie is The Breakfast Club. 
I have a brother and sister in 6th grade- they are twins. Most of the time we all get along relatively well, except for when my sister Jordan decides that she is too cool to associate herself with me and Logan, our brother. 
I live with my mother and father and both siblings in a house we built ourselves. It is close to school so i walk to school whenever i can. 
Thanks for reading.